How American Attitudes about Race, Ethnicity, and Gender affect the Health and Wellbeing of Black-African Refugee Men in the United States A Qualitative Study

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Rohan Jeremiah
Adrian Raygoza
Xavier Hernandez
Charles Brandon


More than half of all refugees currently resettled in the United States are racial-ethnic-minority men. Yet
refugee health scholarship has not fully explored racial ethnic minority refugee men's encounters with resettlement environment norms about race, ethnicity and gender. This paper describes an intersectional-informed qualitative study of the daily stressors experienced by Black-African refugee men in the United States to explain how such experiences impact their health and wellbeing. These men’s life narratives illumi-nate how stigma and discrimination associated with race, ethnicity, gender affect their health and wellbeing during resettlement. These findings offer evidence that the realities of ethnic minority refugee men in the United States, while unique, can contribute to broader discourses about minority men’s health inequities.


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How to Cite
Jeremiah, R., Raygoza, A., Hernandez, X., & Brandon, C. (2021). How American Attitudes about Race, Ethnicity, and Gender affect the Health and Wellbeing of Black-African Refugee Men in the United States : A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Mens Social and Community Health, 4(1), e83-e91.
Author Biographies

Rohan Jeremiah, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health

Rohan D. Jeremiah, Ph.D., MPH

Associate Professor

University of Illinois at Chicago 

School of Public Health

Division of Community Health Sciences
1603 West Taylor Street, MC 923, Room 658

Chicago, IL 60612

Adrian Raygoza, University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago

Xavier Hernandez, University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago

Charles Brandon, University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago


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